Johan Clarysse, L'homme est un dieu tombé qui se souvient des cieux, 40 x 40 x 40 cm

" The cherry has been reworked into a 'vase object', with a nod to Etruscan art"
— Johan Clarysse

"The cherry has been reworked into a ‘vase object', with a nod to Etruscan art that I (re)discovered during a trip to Viterbo in Italy. The figures I painted on it are intertwined and not unambiguous. Their faces are unrecognisable. You do not always know whether it is a fight, an intimate encounter or both. A grid applied in dotted lines partly covers and envelops the figures and contrasts with the organic form of the bodies. The grid can stand for either enclosure, concealment or demarcation. To me, it makes the overall picture more layered and breaks through a purely decorative reading of what you see: a figurative motif on a vase.
In that sense, the work is in line with what I have been doing for a long time in my artistic practice: questioning the status of the image as well as questions around the complexity and ambiguity of our human condition and the not immediately graspable, hidden dynamics of our human interactions...""
— Johan Clarysse

Johan Clarysse (1957) lives and works in Bruges. Central to Clarysse's oeuvre are the themes of identity and power. Where people live together, power arises. Certainly also the power of religious and political ideologies, imposed values and convictions. His works formulate questions about the complexity of the human condition. His works are intriguing and full of double meanings and references. They are playful but also serious, clear in their execution but ambiguous in their meaning. His works stimulate thinking and feeling. There is often an oppressive atmosphere, almost a threat, emanating from a power that is present but not immediately definable or visible. Johan says: "The emotions that are evoked are not just the 4B's, afraid, happy, sad and angry. The looks and attitudes of persons remain ambiguous, indefinable. Is Clarysse showing us what we in our twittering society would rather hide away?

Source: Galleryviewer.com

More info on the website of Johan: www.johan-clarysse.be

This sale is a realization of Rotary Club Aalter within the context of the 20th Biennale of Contemporary Art. More information on their website: https://www.dekers.online/20cherries

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