Lieven Demunter, J a m, 100 x 35 x 55 cm

"From the dream of spring is made into jam in the autumn."
— Lieven Demunter

The ceramics bear witness to introspection, to the search for oneself and one's place in the world. In the process, the image fades, the boundaries become blurred. People show their animal side, animals know themselves as surprised people. There is always vulnerability and tenderness.

More info about Lieven on his website: http://www.lievendemunter.be/

This sale is a realization of Rotary Club Aalter within the context of the 20th Biennale of Contemporary Art. More information on their website: https://www.dekers.online/20cherries

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Bid Increments
From: To: Increments:
€0 €499 €25
€500 €999 €50
€1,000 €1,999 €100
€2,000 €2,999 €200
€3,000 €4,999 €250
€5,000 €9,999 €500
€10,000 €19,999 €1,000
€20,000 €49,999 €2,000
€50,000 + €5,000